Stats & More!
Getting started is easy and we are here to help you every step of the way. We offer 3, 6 and 12 month advertising campaigns. Once you have chosen the duration we will help you make decisions about artwork. You can submit your own or our graphics designer will create your winning design. Now you are ready to jump on board! It only takes 24 hours to begin showcasing your brand to thousands!
Now sit back and let our digital board do all the work for you; even while you sleep!
expose you to high traffic and prime demographics
Here’s How:
· Your Ad displays 1,440 per day
· Your Ad displays 43,000 per month
· It is cost effective, 6¢ per view
· Your Ad runs in rotation 24/7
· Displays in a high traffic area
Verified Traffic & Viewer Statistics:
90,000 daily effective circulation based on data from 2018 SCDOT traffic counts. Growth stats are trending upward in housing and industry yearly. Clements Ferry Road is HOT!
53% Female
47% Male
25% 18-30+
48% 35-54
27% 55+
70% College Degree or higher
Ave. Household Annual Income:
72% earn over $75k annually
76% homeowners
(Average list price of home $495,098+)
*Viewer Statistics by Impressions:
Per day – 72,928
Per week – 510,496
Per Month – 2,187,840
More exposure than TV, radio & print!!
*Data based on average views per motorists
per day and SCDOT daily traffic counts.
Prime Demographics within a 15 mile radius:
Daniel Island 2.88 mi.
Mt. Pleasant 6 mi.
Sullivan’s Island 10.55 mi.
Charleston 15 mi
North Charleston 8 mi.
Businesses & Industries
Wando Terminal 7.3 mi.
Nucor Steel 13.3 mi.
BP Amoco 9 mi.
Bishop England High 4.5 mi.
Phillip Simmons Schools 4.2 mi.
Wando High 14 mi.
Several private schools
Neighborhoods (.5 – 10mi. radius)
Daniel Island
Dunes West
Beresford Hall
Molasses Creek
Nelliefield Plantation
St. Thomas Preserve
Several new subdivisions are under development